Category Archives: week in review

Slices of Life #4

I start my grown up job today (and I may be more than just a little excited)!! I’m incredibly blessed that all my licensure worked itself out in time and I can start my first day of summer school on a good foot. I also get to meet my new ABA client at job number two this evening (because working just one job clearly isn’t enough for me). But while I’m off doing that I figured I’d leave you with a little recap of the past week, with another round of Slices of Life.

Slices of Life

 The Eats

Slices of Life- the eats

Lots of smoothies, stir-fry, and veggie burgers for me. I actually spent the last two weeks eating fully vegetarian until I went home for Fathers Day and we made my dad barbecue chicken…a girls gotta have some balance, right? I also found…

A Gluten Free Bread that looks like real bread- I can’t wait to try this recipe from The Non-Dairy Queen (Thanks to Lindsay for sharing the recipe).

A delicious Green Smoothie recipe and a fun contest from The Gluten Free Treadmill.

The Exercise

Slices of Life- the exercise

I already mentioned the last week was filled with puppy love, which included lots of walks. But it also included two 4-mile runs and my first time running on something besides the sidewalk. My legs definitely felt like jelly going through the grass and up the smallest of hills, but the view of the lake by my new place was totally worth it! Speaking of new places…

The Life

Slices of Life- sharing a room

I’m officially, officially all moved in with the BF (and his mom) now. No take backs 😉 He may have commandeered majority of the dresser drawers and closet space, but I think we managed to blend our stuff together pretty well. I particularly love my little “kitchen” which is basically our mini fridge filled with my CSA share and a shelf for all the rest of my food supplies (thankfully we were able to make room for my giant blender in the actual kitchen!).

Slices of Life- the life

As for the rest of the life I got my first CSA share of the season and I’m definitely looking forward to the next 8! This one was loaded with greens including a new to me veggie kohlrabi, Meghan assures me it’s tasty just about any way you cook it though I haven’t tried it out yet. I also went back down to visit my parents (which seems weird since I haven’t been gone that long) but we had to do a little something for Fathers Day. I know everyone thinks they have the best dad ever but unless you’re my long lost sibling I hate to tell you you’re wrong. My dad is an amazing man who works so hard to care for our family and I was glad to go enjoy another family dinner (love you dad!). As far as links go this week I found:

A dose of reality from Katherine the Peanut Butter Lover.

A thought provoking post from Olive to Run- still don’t know if I have good answers but I love her for asking the questions .

A hilariously awesome book recommendation (and a serious case for berry envy) from Jenn at Peas and Crayons

Whats the best link you found in the last week? Anyone else out there who works multiple jobs? 

Slices of Life #2

Whew the last few days have been a whirlwind, both of activity and emotion. I’m officially moved out of my parents house which is exciting and scary and bittersweet (I’m at my aunt’s house dog-sitting for the next two weeks, though most of my stuff is already at the BF’s). I officially accepted and started training for my part time job (because obviously a full time job isn’t enough for me). I also had my last day at my current ABA job, which was really hard because I’ve grown to love the kiddo I worked with. The thing I didn’t do… blog… whoops 😉

Slices of Life


The eats

SlicesofLife2_TheEatsThis past week was a combination of snacks, smoothies, and my last few dinners with my family. This coming week starts my budget for the year as I start being responsible for my own eats. I’m looking forward to the opportunity to try more veggie based meals and excited for the challenge of cooking good food on a limited budget. Now if only my CSA would start already! Some of the recipes I’m looking forward to trying this week include:

Broccoli Slaw from Cotter Crunch

Cheezy Chili Crackers from Eating for Balance

Lentil Tacos from Taste of Home

Farmers Market Salad from Peas and Crayons

annndd another batch (or 5) of Lemon Blueberry Granola from Clean Eats Fast Feets

The exercise


“Training” got off to a slow start this week, though I was definitely active. I got in lots of strength training while packing, unpacking, and repacking my life into the car to make everything fit. There was quite a lot of yoga which was so easy in my newly emptied room. I got in lots of slow, easy, cardio taking long walks around the neighborhood and park with my aunts dog. I did manage to run 4 hot sweaty miles which is not as many as I wanted, but at least it’s something. This week I’m planning to map out some runs around here to work on milage (I’m looking for 5 by the end of the week). I’m also looking into some at home crossfit based workouts for non-running days (mostly because BF is interested in trying it out, but neither of us have that kind of cash right now). Things on the list to try include:

At Home Crossfit from Simply Sadie Jane

HIIT from Pinterest

Yoga for Runners from Yogatic

My own spin on this Half Marathon Calendar from TrendHunter

The life


Like I said already moving out is both exciting and bittersweet. There was a lot to be done at the BF’s this past weekend including painting the room we’re moving into, moving all the furniture between the rooms, and helping move some of his/his mom’s stuff into storage in their garage. I’ve got some experience painting from when I worked with Habitat for Humanity and it was fun to show him the ropes. I finished developing and organizing my budget for the coming year. My wonderful Master’s degree came with a pretty hefty price tag, and though BF and I made the best of our space I’m really hoping to only have to live with him and his mom for no more than a year. Finally I checked a few things off my to-do list around here including starting my recipe page, updating my profile, and laying the groundwork for a few more regular features including this one. Slices of Life is my hybrid of a weekly recap and a link love post, with a little to-do list accountability thrown in for good measure. Helping me get all of this done in the past week were some of the following:

The 7 Baby Steps from Dave Ramsey (I also borrowed his book Total Money Makeover and plan to make BF read it)

6 keys for Young Adults becoming debt free also from Dave Ramsey

The Spending Fast from And Then We Saved

I may never be a famous food blogger from Clean Eating Veggie Girl

How do I find time to write from Blogging on the Side

Joining the Week in Review Party at Clean Eats Fast Feets and Marvelous in my Monday at Healthy Diva Life.

 What’s one new thing you learned this week? Have you ever painted a room before? 

WIR #48: The “me time” edition


It’s been too long since I’ve linked up with the always awesome Meghan for some Week in Review action. What can I say I’ve been enjoying this “freedom” thing to the fullest. In the last 2 weeks I’ve finished my medical placement, graduated from my Master’s program, and kept the festivities going in true Sarah Pie style.

I’ve treated myself to trivia nights with the BF and friends, kitchen adventures with my baby brother, finally going out with BF and his co-workers, huge stacks of books from the library on anything and everything, and a major overhaul of everything in my room/closet (which I promise is more fun than it sounds).

Going from “working” 40+ hours a week to not really working at all has been an adjustment, there have been some of those “I don’t know what to do with myself” moments, but they haven’t lasted and I’m not sweating it. I start my real job in less than a month, and have the rest of my life to work from there. For now I’m loving the extra me time.

What’s the best thing you did for yourself this week? Anyone else love to clean/organize things? 

WIR #47: Where has the time gone?

Guys it’s officially my last week of graduate school! I have 4 days left at my medical placement, a ton of paperwork to hand in, a cap and gown to put on and then I get to start signing all my paperwork Sarah Pie, SLP-CF (not quite as cool as CCC-SLP/L but I don’t earn all those letters until I’ve worked for a year).

It’s so strange, I’ve been waiting for this week for what seems like forever, but now that it’s here I’m not sure how I feel about it. While I sort out my feelings how about I catch you up on life around here with a little Week in Review love?


I’ll be honest in the past few weeks I haven’t done a whole lot productive with my life, I’ve actually been in kind of a funk that I’m having a hard time shaking, but there comes a point where you’ve got to fake it ’till you make it, right? I figure getting back into a routine and reconnecting with all of you is a good a place to start acting like myself again.

One thing I feel like I’m constantly doing is organizing. Seriously it’s been like spring cleaning on crack around here as I organize my closet, take everything out, organize it again… I’ve also organized my car and my personal files (bills, car stuff, ect). Believe it or not I still have more in the works, I’ve got to finish clearing out all the apartment and childhood stuff in my parents basement before my move at the end of the month.

I’ve also been working, a lot. I have full control over the caseload at my medical placement (which is kind of terrifying!) though I still have a lot of downtime there because my supervisor and I haven’t quite managed to settle into a schedule… maybe for the last week we’ll make it work. On top of that I’m still doing ABA this month, trying to schedule an interview to keep doing ABA part time once I start my real job, and filling out/mailing off endless piles of paperwork to prove I’m not a criminal/lunatic/psychopath so that I can get my temporary license.

One thing I haven’t been doing so well is working out. I had a good stretch where I was getting back into runs, but then the weather turned icky and my motivation ran away. That lack of motivation has been a large part of why I’m feeling so off recently so I’m doing my best to push myself, even if I just do a little bit. I even put together a fancy looking calendar to keep on my phone to remind myself what I’m working towards.


I’m planning to run a 10k with the BF this fall so my goal is to slowly increase my mileage, while also working to get my pace back to where it was last summer.

One thing that hasn’t been lacking around here recently is eating (a girl’s gotta eat). I may have gone on a bit of a “eat my feelings in the form of all the carbs” bender last week, but bread is good for the soul and bread with butter is even better! To go with said eating there has obviously been cooking, and (finally!) recipe photographing. I’ve made waffles, Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip Banana Bread, buckets of granola, and bottles of kombucha. Lets just say I’m ready for anything this week, and that includes sharing recipes with you guys.


I’ve pulled up my big girl panties and my positive attitude to try and turn things around for this week and find the motivation/enthusiasm I’ve been lacking lately, but now I want to hear from you:

What do you do when you have zero motivation? What kinds of workouts are you loving right now? Anything tasty come out of your kitchen this weekend?  

Linking up with the always lovely Meghan for her Week in Review

WIR #46: (almost) Wordless Wonder

Keeping it short today since I’m so late to the game… on the bright side I passed my comps this afternoon which marks the last “real” thing I have to do before graduation. Here’s a snapshot of my past week, not including today’s snow because I’m going to pretend that didn’t happen!


  1. Gluten Free waffles made with my new (almost) free waffle maker.
  2. Supernatural which I’ve been binge watching again.
  3. Saturday’s gorgeous outdoor run.
  4. Celebrating my (almost!) perfect pass on my Oral Exams.
  5. Lemon Blueberry Crack granola from the one and only hostess of our weekly list-fest.
  6. My lovely cap and gown for next month’s ceremony.
  7. Bubble baths which have been a wonderful way to relax after long days at my medical placement.

WIR #45: Snap back to reality

With a title like that I feel like I should go into the rest of the Eminem song that inspired it, but that’s a very Meghan thing to do and I don’t want to steal her mojo. I will however share in her listing shenanigans because that’s a mutual passion and her Week in Review link up is always awesome.


This post is going to be a bit of a change from my last one where I was full of excitement and possibility, because life has gone through a few major changes since then. I don’t know about you but for someone like me who really likes to plan things out changes to “the plan” throw me off, and not in a good way. I’m trying to get better about being flexible, but it’s definitely a work in progress for me.


The Bad

Always share the bad news first right? Like ripping off a bandaid I just prefer to get it out of the way.

  • BF and I went apartment hunting a found a beautiful place we were ready to lease. BF informs me 2 days later that he’s not going to be able to do so for the next year, period.
  • I know have a job that I’ve accepted, about an hour from home, no roommate to move in with up north, and not nearly enough money to rent by myself.
  • I’d already told my friends at school how excited I was for my job and our new apartment. Last thing I wanted to do was say “eh scratch all that, I have no clue what I’m doing now”

Obviously I was panicked. I loved the job I had accepted up there and I didn’t want to give it up. I’d loved the idea of growing up, moving out, and finally starting our life with the BF and I didn’t want to lose that. I love my BF and I didn’t want him dead, though in that moment I was ready to strangle him.

The Good

  • BF and his mom have agreed to let me move in with them for the next year. This means I get to keep my job, save on rent, and still sort of start our life with the BF.
  • BF and I had a lot of hard talks, and I’m sure there are more ahead. I tend to forget sometimes that while I’m over here excited about finishing graduate school his plans for post-graduation don’t look anything like what he planned. He really is trying to make the best of his new plans though and I need to remember to be supportive.
  • Living cheaply for a year will give s both a chance to get on better financial footing. We’ve both got student loans, he has some other big expenses coming up 😉 , and both of our savings accounts are limited. I already know that I’m good on a budget, but I’m going to budget that boy so hard he won’t know what hit him and in the end we’ll both be better for it.

The everything else

I’ll admit to not being thrilled with our new plan at first. It felt like I was giving up a lot, while nothing had  to change for him except the layout of his room. His mom is a smoker and while their house has never bothered me I’ve also never lived there full time. My parents were (understandably) upset with him (right in line behind myself and my best friends) and though they haven’t said it I think they’re a little hurt that I’m “moving out” only to go live in someone else’s house and not on my own. Lets face it everyone in my life has an opinion on how I should be living it, and at the end of the day I know it’s because they love and support me and only want the best.

I’m at the point now where I’ve accepted what we have for the year ahead and am in full on plan mode  to make the best it can be. That means lists, lists, and more lists as I organize my budget (which will be much easier once I know what a salaried paycheck looks like… yeah still excited that I have a real job with a salary!), figure out what option looks best for BF and I down the line, and make note of things we need to talk through as they come up.

It’s a lot of lists, a lot to organize in about a month and a half, and a lot to think about for the future, but I’m excited again and that’s the most important part, right?

WIR #43 Out with the old

What a way to start the week, I think I’ll be able to get used to having Monday’s off with the BF now that I’ve switched to my medical rotation. I may need more time to get used to the actual rotation though, I went for a few hours on Saturday to meet with my supervisor and go over the basics and lets just say I may be in over my head. Lucky for me she gave me a huge pile of materials to review…


It was really hard to leave my school placement behind last week though. I may not have loved everything about the site but there was no denying that I got to work with some wonderful kids. Here’s hoping all those interviews I have lined up (#2 is this Friday!) lead to something great so I can have a whole bunch of kiddos all to myself next year.

There wasn’t much exciting about the rest of the week, but I did manage to cross quite a few things off my to-do list, and what better way to recap then with Meghan’s increasingly popular week in review.


  • Worked full 5 days at my school placement, a few hours at my medical placement, and a Sunday double my usual ABA gig
  • Worked out 4 days last week
  • Wrote and published 4 blog posts, including a recipe
  • Got my first picture accepted on FoodGawker! (shameless self promotion I know, but I’m excited! Plus I have no shame, you know that). 
  • The usual weekend laundry/outfit planning… having to wear a “uniform” of khaki pants and some sort of blue top made it much easier this week, and also gave me an excuse to justify my impulse buy of 2 new shirts at Target
  • Scheduled 2 more interviews and filled out a few more job apps
  • Said goodbye to my baby brother as he headed back to school from his spring break
  • Officially started my new Netflix addiction… anyone else watch Supernatural? I’m totally hooked

I might be a little quiet this week as I settle into my new schedule (and binge on Supernatural try to learn all the new material required for my medical site) but I’m hoping to not drop off the grid completely.

 What was the best thing you did this weekend? What’s your current TV favorite?

WIR #42: The Listography edition

Can I just say I’m not a huge fan of this “spring forward” thing? True the extra daylight is nice, as is the reminder that spring might actually be on its way, but losing an hour in my already short weekend? Let’s just say I had to get creative to pack it all in this week.

2014-03-09 20.17.45

My to-do list, blog post/workout schedule, and stress frog (what you don’t have one?)


My weekend food prep. Granola (of course), rice with spinach and caramelized onions for a few lunches, and freshly bottled kombucha.

But since I recap the same sorts of things week after week (the joys of being a full time student who works weekends) I thought I would start this week off with a different sort of list.


I got this book ages ago (sometime in High School judging by some of the content) but basically each page is a prompt to start a different sort of list. Guilty pleasures, people you wouldn’t mind sleeping with, past hangouts, bad habits… 

Basically it’s a list lovers dream in terms of memory collecting, and since lists are the thing of the day for Monday’s I decided to share a page with you 🙂

My one major accomplishment last week was my first interview for a real job, coupled with filling out even more applications over the weekend (school’s are finally starting to post openings for next year). Since I’ve got job hunting on the brain I decided to share the “past jobs” page out of my Listography book.

  1. Babysitter 6th grade-current (yes I still babysit on occasion)
  2. Waitress at Steak’n’Shake, 2006-20011
  3. Campus Rec Customer Service Agent, 2009-2012
  4. Language Acquisition Lab Assistant, 2010-2012
  5. Red Lobster (aka Dead Lobster), summer 2012
  6. My current job as an aide in a local clinic, 2012-current
  7. Studypoint Inc. Test Prep Tutor, 2012-2013
  8. Applied Behavior Analysis intervention provider (my current weekend gig), 2013-current

Not bad for 8 years out in the job market 😉

I’m thinking of sharing more lists from here as weeks go by, just as a way to spice up the recaps, any of the above mentioned topics pique your interests?


Be sure to go visit Meghan and see what everyone else listed up!

What was the best thing you did this weekend? What’s the last job you’ve held? What was your first ever job?

WIR #42: What happens when I’m brain dead

I feel like this has been the week of never ending conferences… I was in a social behavioral presentation all day Friday as part of my teacher institute day and then I went to support one of the therapists from work at an Autism presentation Saturday morning.


They were both great presentations and they’ll give me some current trends to talk about during interviews (my first one is this week!!) but after getting used to working on a daily basis I have to admit that 2 days of presentations left me more than a little brain dead.

But I’m going to try and put that all aside and list out everything I managed to accomplish last week… because that’s what Monday’s are for, right Meghan?


I worked 4 days at my placement (Friday was the institute day, so I didn’t see kiddos) and finally caught up on logging my hours. I actually passed 300 contact hours last week which means I only have 100 more to go before graduation. I also worked a double at my ABA job on Sunday.

I finally started that portfolio project I’ve been procrastinating… 6 years of higher education all crammed into a single 4 inch binder to prove I’m competent enough to complete my job (why do portfolios have to be a thing?) .


I wrapped BF’s birthday gift up for when we celebrate on Tuesday (these crazy schedule conflicts are getting old). His big gift has something to do with penguins if you weren’t able to guess 😉


I read a cookbook and a book a book off my list. Both were interesting but neither were anything special, reading them in a bubble bath was a treat though 😉 Here’s hoping my next trip to the library is a little more exciting!

I got in a few workouts last week, including one very chilly run! Spring needs to get serious about showing up because I’m ready to run again.


I also did the usual laundry, bathroom cleaning, kombucha brewing and food prepping.


This week doesn’t look like it’s going to be any less crazy than the last one but that’s life 🙂 I’m just hoping it stops snowing.

What was  your biggest accomplishment this week?

WIR #41: The Great Spring Cleanout

Good morning! I’m starting this week with a new attitude and I’m hoping I can carry this motivation through to accomplish all I have planned. And what better way to keep that motivation up than by celebrating everything I accomplished this weekend 🙂

2014-02-22 21.20.20-2

And what better way to do that than to link up with Meghan the lister of all listers (and the one who sent me that lovely card).

The list above was developed after I decided that I wasn’t going to work on my portfolio this weekend… I decided to do just about everything else under the sun instead (at least I’m a productive procrastinator?). I’ll get to that portfolio eventually right…

Before I even got there I decided to deep clean my whole room. I got rid of piles of notes, sorted out old clothes to donate, and even set myself up with a fancy new “desk” space to work at.

springclean_beforeToo bad I couldn’t keep my aunts puppy on my bed.

springclean_afterMoving my dresser into my closet makes it a little tight on hanging things (which is part of the reason I decided to weed my clothes out) but I was able to use the wall space to add an old coffee table which is now serving as my desk.


Beyond cleaning my room I also (finally!) cleaned out my car. I’ve been driving around with broken glass in my backseat for a few weeks that I was more than happy to see gone.

BF was working strange hours this week so we actually got to go out for a few drinks on Friday night. I on the other hand worked my regular weekend hours at my ABA job and spent the Sunday hours I usually spend with him catching up on Netflix.

Anyone else watch House of Cards? Season 2 is crazy!

Other than that there was the usual cooking, cleaning, and photographing this weekend in preparation for the Chopped Kitchen Challenge this Thursday…

2014-02-23 08.39.21

mmmmm potatoes!

This week I’m working on keeping my workouts on track and trying to keep cleaning up my eats. I’m also making a goal of carving out some me time each evening to completely unplug (I’m not going to start meditating or anything but I’m going to enjoy the me time).

 What are you looking to do for yourself this week?