WIR #27: Short, sweet, and sore

Hey guys! I’m going to have kind of a weird posting schedule (and subsequent ability to respond to comments and read your posts) this week because we don’t have internet at the new house yet. I’m working to get writing done in the afternoons while I’m down at school but I make no guarantees.

With that I’m keeping today’s post short (though I have plenty to review) so let’s get listing!

I wrote and published 4 posts last week (that’s a LOT for me) including my first official looking link-up with inlinkz and my first giveaway! I managed to keep all my blogging commitments for the month of October and set myself up with some awesome things to do this month.

You have until Thursday to link your creations for this months Chopped Kitchen Challenge
And until Friday to enter the giveaway for a free training program. 
I finished my first month of fitness commitment off with a double dose of zumba and weight classes last Monday and Wednesday. I also spent the weekend moving furniture and boxes with the BF into my parents new house… I think that counts as a full week of workouts right there. 
These were less than stellar due to all the people coming around to see the new house (you gotta feed guests) and the fact that we kind of ran out of real food because we were too busy packing/moving. Don’t worry I’m totally feeling the results of these less than stellar habits and am getting my butt back on track for this week. 
Besides the whole moving thing life was pretty typical. I still have the nasty cold/cough combo I’ve been fighting. I survived my school supervisor coming to visit my clinical site, and had some really great sessions with all of my clients. I went out with my mom, her sisters, and my grandmother to have lunch with my great-grandmother which was a lovely way to cap off an afternoon of unpacking. I spent lots of time with BF (even if it was just moving and unloading boxes). I promise to show off a picture of the new house once it’s not grossly overcast around here!

I know that’s kind of a short list for a Monday (and trust me with as tired/sore as I am it feels like I got a lot more accomplished) but if you head over to Meghan’s I bet she has a really nice list for you (she probably has pictures too… sorry).

For now I’m off to class… and then home to work on unpacking the rest of my room…

7 thoughts on “WIR #27: Short, sweet, and sore

  1. Sarah Pie

    That's what I'm hoping! I've had a killer sore throat for 2 weeks now (which is rough when you talk constantly at work!) Hopefully your's won't last as long!

  2. Frances Stiles

    Sounds like a great week, Sarah, except for the whole cough/cold thing. I didn't realize you'd moved. I missed out on a lot of blog reading while we were in NM due to spotty internet access. Congrats and hope to see lots of lovely photos of your new place. Have a great week!

  3. eating4balance

    You've been busy Sarah! I just linked up my CKC post last night 🙂 I can't wait for the next time!

    I hope your sore throat goes away soon as that must be incredibly tough with work… And just life in general too.

    Do we get to see pictures when you are finally all moved in? 🙂

  4. Sarah Pie

    Thanks! I don't think I've mentioned it too often (our move date actually came up 2 weeks early which is why this was such a scramble!) so you didn't miss out 🙂 And I feel you on the spotty internet, I'm trying to keep up on things around here between classes at school because we don't know when we'll get internet at home yet…

  5. Sarah Pie

    Once we get things settled, and I have reliable access to internet again I will link up some pictures (if it could stop raining that would help too!). Thanks again for liking up that ice cream sounds amazing 🙂

  6. Meghan@CleanEatsFastFeets

    No apologies necessary. Moving is tough work and packing and unpacking boxes absolutely counts as a workout. I'm sorry to hear you're feeling under the weather though and hope you're back to fighting form soon. Not real physical fighting though because that'd be bad. 🙂


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